
Embraer Konslu 500 Privat Jet Ride nofs il-Daqs Karta

Embraer Konslu 500 titjira privata Jet ride minn Punta Cana Fort Lauderdale Florida NBAA 2018 aviation aircraft airplane Mid-Size Charter rental service Wow this is the new cabbage I like this look at this smells brand-new airplane and it’s a lot wider actually clearly really comfortable here looking beautifully done very upscale hi my name is Eduardo come in here I’m a test pilot for Umbra hair today I’ll be the captain for our flight from Punta Cana to Fort Lauderdale and we have the route already set up here in the cockpit we’re going to be flying at 43,000 feet the weather is nice winds are also helping us in the direction of Florida and Bart has a really nice time I’m here with my fellow captain Luis Salgado he’s one of my pilots as me and we’re flying today the praetor 500 this airplane is one of the most modern airplanes in the market it’s a full fly by rail fly-by-wire airplane we don’t know that we don’t have a yoke we fly side sticks

għandna sett sħiħ ta 'wirjiet ikkuluriti sbieħ enormi u dawn il-wirjiet kollha nistgħu npoġġu ħlas tagħna għall jtajru għandna informazzjoni tagħna li nużaw għall jtajru bażiku għandna pjan tat-titjira tagħna stabbiliti hawn u aħna anke tara paġni syndic li nistgħu naraw kollha ta' sistemi tagħna kif huma qed jaħdmu hekk din hija l-aħjar tista 'tikseb fis-suq illum jien litteralment jkollu jagħmel jet li myself iżda hemm biss ftit aktar passiġġieri teggjar flimkien miegħi hekk din hija Alisa

Alisa is from the Embraer and this is Jenny so they are riding together with me also I have Thiago here so they’re all temporary experts they are riding with me and showing up this brand new pre-tour 500 mal biss 14 siegħa fuq l-arloġġ. It literally flew in from the factory brand-new from Brazil denier fighting my name is Pam you’re on board the pre-tour 500 today we’re going from Punta Cana li Fort Lauderdale ħin tiegħi huwa dwar sagħtejn u 22 minuti dwar dak iż-żmien I biss jridu jagħtuk l-informazzjoni tas-sigurtà

we have two entry emergency exits the door that you came through and the toilet your life pests are located behind your ankles and they loss of oxygen customization oxygen masks will drop from here we have a light breakfast for you any questions no ready to go okay let’s go

I am so amazed I have my name on the manual and looking it’s beautiful like I was ready for a treat oh my gosh oh my god it goes fairly flat. I’m just showing you how creative the embryo free tour 500 can be we can turn all the sits facing sideways like this how nice business very social Sam we’re halfway to Fort Lauderdale no how do you feel about the print or 500 fl-esperjenza tiegħek inti taf liema G dan huwa l-aħjar esperjenza ta 'jet privat daqs jissodisfaw jien qatt ġara minħabba li l-kabina huwa usa ħafna usa' minn ġett midsize tipiċi u aħjar ta 'kollha huwa tant kwieta fuq dan il-pjan tafu verament esperjenza verament tajba verament komdi RGħ 500 huwa 30 250 mil nawtiku kif int semma l-kumdità li inti

experience is because it’s the widest aircraft actually the closest competitor is five inches narrower on the shoulders and seven at the floor the flat floor six foot stand-up cabin the 5800 marda tal-kabina pressjoni altitudni fl 45,000 feet our bodies when we feel like we’re at 5800 which it allows us to have less cabin at the tables it’s a social jet for the social age I like to say we do have connectivity not only the Overland Wi-Fi capabilities but ka-band as an option first for the nofs l-daqs Embraer ġett negozju tal-kumpaniji category the nice thing about this plane is it’s a midsize jet for mid-sized budgets and cost however it gives you a feeling about this is actually wider so if that’s how you pay for something better than besides gender

assolutament u J dak staqsejt tixtieq kemm ġett bħal din l-ispiża dan ajruplan huwa 1609 95 hekk ukoll 17,000,000 ukoll I bħall-mod inti tgħidli 69.95 it’s sixteen million nine hundred ninety five thousand dollars right oh my gosh so if I give you 17 miljun I nikseb $5 back that’s sorry okay as long as gonna be even bills so this is the bathroom on the pre-tour 500 it’s also pretty annoying spacious I’m telling you for our midsize jets don’t think about the large plane but miss sides you have to have a delicate man firm like this is luxury

Lista ta 'tipi Privat Jet Ajruplani Aerospace Avjazzjoni tal-Manifatturi mudell pjan Ajru inti tista' kiri għan-negozju jew destinazzjoni ċitazzjoni Personali fi jew barra fi kwalunkwe ajruport Qarib Me

BombardierGulfstreamDassault FalconBoeing
Cessna TitoluEmbraerAirbusBeechcraft

we talked earlier about the social jet an or social media jet and I just happen to have your YouTube channel up here you served from our oh my god Wi-Fi systems we do it and the nice thing is we have home-like entertainment so through Apple TV I’m able to put the presentation up on the monitor Ronna creep like a hey Iago listen how are you see do it no attorney – 360 bħal dan hekk kura soċjali kif issa jagħtu din l-opportunità soċjali hekk yeah għalhekk dan huwa s-sede lura hawn liema

I like about this one is it’s not crap there’s some loss of grip because you’ll see this you can see the recline all the way so there’s actually just in the back it can be a really comfortable thing not a bad thing at all Sam I’m going to show you how we birth these seats into a full state work very easy we’re going to land on this Airport right here before Lauderdale International Airport this is the approach chart that we’re going to be that we’re going to apply to land in Fort Lauderdale and you can see here it also has a depiction of our of our position in the charts he’s going to bring us around here turn us in and then we’re lat that was a great flight okay Sam now we’re excited to show you the parade for 600 come on inside with this interior being called a bossa nova what does that really mean of course it’s a form of music that became very famous and complicated rich interior but really it’s about the Americas coming together North and South America and what can you do with that kind of power

well the bossa nova when translated means a new trend or new wave so what we’ve captured now are two Americas finally giving the best they have for a single purpose that’s creating the ultimate crafted stylized interior and the ultimate super midsize jet with the Freight or 600 beautiful ħarsa ġett f'dan interjuri hija għandha 2 Fattur X u bossa nova dak

tema u għandna l-ħila li żżomm 105 degrees seating angle while at the same time when birthing the cushions it flattens out and then the cushions fall back into the hole to create the bed Wow so you can have somebody sitting somebody laying I like the greatness about the business jet it’s not like the airline travel you can customize the Jets to the way you want you can decide and you can literally have your own airline design if I ever gonna run than my own airline air Sam tree I know what the interior will be like

Sib Privat Jet Karta Servizz Titjira Qarib Me Minn jew Biex Amerika Domestiku

AlabamaIndianaNebraskaSouth Carolina
AlaskaIowaNevadaSouth Dakota
ArizonaKansasNew HampshireTennessee
ArkansasKentuckyNew JerseyTexas
CaliforniaLouisianaNew MexicoUtah
ColoradoMaineNew YorkVermont
ConnecticutMarylandNorth CarolinaVirginia
DelawareMassachusettsNorth DakotaWashington
FloridaMichiganOhioWest Virginia
IllinoismontanaRhode Island

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