Regoli tal-privatezza

Welcome to (the “Site”).We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site, especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to those users of the Site (“Visitors”) who visit without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by (collectively, “Services”) (“Authorized Customers”).

“Personally Identifiable Information”

Refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains, including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card information. Personally Identifiable Information does not include information that is collected anonymously (jiġifieri, without identification of the individual user) or demographic information not connected to an identified individual.

What Personally Identifiable Information is collected?

We may collect basic user profile information from all of our Visitors. We collect the following additional information from our Authorized Customers: the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of Authorized Customers, the nature and size of the business, and the nature and size of the advertising inventory that the Authorized Customer intends to purchase or sell.

Liema organizzazzjonijiet huma ġbir tat-tagħrif?

Minbarra l-ġbir diretti tagħna ta 'informazzjoni, bejjiegħa tagħna servizz parti terza (bħal kumpaniji tal-karti ta 'kreditu, clearinghouses u l-banek) li jistgħu jipprovdu tali servizzi bħal kreditu, assigurazzjoni, u s-servizzi blokkati jistgħu jiġbru din l-informazzjoni mill-Viżitaturi tagħna u Klijenti Awtorizzat. Aħna ma tikkontrolla kif dawn il-partijiet terzi juża tali informazzjoni, imma nagħmlu jistaqsihom biex jiżvelaw kif jużaw informazzjoni personali pprovduta lilhom mill-Viżitaturi u Klijenti Awtorizzat. Xi wħud minn dawn il-partijiet terzi jistgħu ikunu intermedjarji li jaġixxu biss bħala rabtiet fil-katina tad-distribuzzjoni, u taħżinx, jżommu, jew l-użu l-informazzjoni mogħtija lilhom.

Kif il-Site jużaw informazzjoni personalment identifikabbli?

Aħna nużaw informazzjoni personalment identifikabbli biex jippersonalizzaw is-sit, li jagħmlu offerti ta 'servizz xierqa, u biex jissodisfaw xiri u bejgħ talbiet fuq is-sit. We may email Visitors and Authorized Customers about research or purchase and selling opportunities on the Site or information related to the subject matter of the Site. We may also use Personally Identifiable Information to contact Visitors and Authorized Customers in response to specific inquiries, or to provide requested information.

With whom may the information may be shared?

Personally Identifiable Information about Authorized Customers may be shared with other Authorized Customers who wish to evaluate potential transactions with other Authorized Customers. We may share aggregated information about our Visitors, including the demographics of our Visitors and Authorized Customers, with our affiliated agencies and third party vendors. We also offer the opportunity to “opt out” of receiving information or being contacted by us or by any agency acting on our behalf.

How is Personally Identifiable Information stored?

Personally Identifiable Information collected by is securely stored and is not accessible to third parties or employees of except for use as indicated above.

What choices are available to Visitors regarding collection, use and distribution of the information?

Viżitaturi u Klijenti Awtorizzat jista opt out tal jirċievu informazzjoni mhux mitluba minn jew li jkunu kkuntattjati minn għandna u / jew bejjiegħa tagħna u affiljati aġenziji billi jirrispondu għall-emails skond l-istruzzjonijiet, jew billi tikkuntattja magħna fil

Huma Cookies Użati fuq is-sit?

Cookies huma jintużaw għal varjetà ta 'raġunijiet. Aħna nużaw cookies biex jiksbu informazzjoni dwar il-preferenzi tal-Viżitaturi tagħna u s-servizzi li jagħżlu. Aħna nużaw ukoll Cookies għal skopijiet ta 'sigurtà biex jipproteġu klijenti Awtorizzat tagħna. Pereżempju, if an Authorized Customer is logged on and the site is unused for more than 10 minuti, we will automatically log the Authorized Customer off.

How does use login information? uses login information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, ISPs, and browser types, to analyze trends, administer the Site, track a user’s movement and use, and gather broad demographic information.

What partners or service providers have access to Personally Identifiable Information from Visitors and/or Authorized Customers on the Site? has entered into and will continue to enter into partnerships and other affiliations with a number of vendors. Such vendors may have access to certain Personally Identifiable Information on a need to know basis for evaluating Authorized Customers for service eligibility. Our privacy policy does not cover their collection or use of this information. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information to comply with law. We will disclose Personally Identifiable Information in order to comply with a court order or subpoena or a request from a law enforcement agency to release information. We will also disclose Personally Identifiable Information when reasonably necessary to protect the safety of our Visitors and Authorized Customers.

How does the Site keep Personally Identifiable Information secure?

All of our employees are familiar with our security policy and practices. The Personally Identifiable Information of our Visitors and Authorized Customers is only accessible to a limited number of qualified employees who are given a password in order to gain access to the information. We audit our security systems and processes on a regular basis. Sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or social security numbers, is protected by encryption protocols, in place to protect information sent over the Internet. While we take commercially reasonable measures to maintain a secure site, electronic communications and databases are subject to errors, tampering and break-ins, and we cannot guarantee or warrant that such events will not take place and we will not be liable to Visitors or Authorized Customers for any such occurrences.

How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable Information?

Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us to update Personally Identifiable Information about them or to correct any inaccuracies by emailing us at service[@]

Tista 'Viżitatur iħassru jew diżattivazzjoni informazzjoni personalment identifikabbli miġbura mill-Sit?

Aħna nipprovdu Viżitaturi u Klijenti Awtorizzat b'mekkaniżmu biex titħassar / deattivat informazzjoni personalment identifikabbli mid-database tas-Sît billi tikkuntattja. Madankollu, minħabba backups u rekords ta 'tħassir, jista 'jkun impossibbli li tħassar id-dħul ta' Viżitaturi mingħajr jżommu xi informazzjoni residwa. Individwu li jitlob li jkollu personalment identifikabbli Informazzjoni deattivat se jkollhom din l-informazzjoni funzjonalment mħassra, u aħna mhux se jbiegħu, trasferiment, jew l-użu informazzjoni personalment identifikabbli dwar dak l-individwu bl-ebda mod timxi 'l quddiem.

X'jiġri jekk il-Bidliet Politika ta 'Privatezza?

Aħna se let viżitaturi tagħna u Klijenti Awtorizzat taf dwar bidliet fil-politika tal-privatezza tagħna billi jistazzjonaw bidliet bħal dawn fuq is-sit. Madankollu, jekk aħna qegħdin jinbidlu privatezza politika tagħna b'mod li jista 'jikkawża l-iżvelar ta' informazzjoni personalment identifikabbli li Viżitatur jew Awtorizzat Customer qabel mitluba m'għandux jiġi żvelat, aħna se tikkuntattja Viżitatur jew Customer Awtorizzat biex jippermettu Viżitatur jew Customer Awtorizzat biex jipprevjenu tali żvelar.

rabtiet: contains links to other web sites. Jekk jogħġbok innota li meta inti ikklikkja fuq waħda minn dawn ir-rabtiet, inti tiċċaqlaq għall-ieħor web site. Aħna ninkoraġġukom biex taqra l-dikjarazzjonijiet ta 'privatezza ta' dawn is-siti marbuta bħala politika tal-privatezza tagħhom tista 'tkun differenti minn tagħna.

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