
Boeing 737 Wasta Service Jet Air Piagam

Lease or Buy Boeing 737 private plane Charter flight service from or to your next destination near me includes empty leg deal at affordable price. Pindah ka to rent a Luxury Aircraft chartering for corporate business or personal.

Usually the Boeing 737 is used for short trips for large groups, but what if that was reversed? Its VIP derivative, the Boeing Business Jet, has a very different mission; carrying small groups on long flights with luxurious accommodation.

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Boeing 737 Airplane Video instruction review Transcript

0:00 nu Boeing 737 is best known as the workhorse of major airline industry
0:09 carrying millions of passengers on relatively short trips with carriers
0:13 around the globe but the boeing 737 is a completely different alter ego in the
0:18 shape of the boeing business jet which the u.s. manufacturer developed from the
0:22 same design just as its rival airbus has done with the a320 families acj
0:27 derivative this is all about carrying smaller groups of people on much longer
0:33 trips the first thing that happens is we fly the aircraft to a facility in
0:38 Delaware where we installed a special fuel tanks in the cargo compartment of
0:42 the plane to allow it to fly so much further than a regular 737 we will
0:47 install these special winglets that we’re now including in the basic price
0:51 of the aircraft the ones that . down as well as up after that you will talk to a
0:56 variety of these special facilities around the world that will take the
0:59 interior of this airplane which will be completely bare when you buy from Boeing
1:03 and they will install of this wood in the seats and the tables and the beds
1:07 and showers and the in-flight entertainment and all the other features
1:10 that you can see as we look around this cabin aviation partners founder Joe
1:13 Clark explains the benefits of the wing woods and how they work
1:17 first of all you’re going to save fuel up to 2 plus percent and fuel on the BBJ
1:22 you’re going to be able to fly at a higher altitude initially you’ll have a
1:26 quieter airplane and I have the latest look at aviation the way it changed the
1:30 aerodynamics is if you look at an airplane like being a big ship there’s a
1:34 big wake and what we do is that’s that’s called vortex we reduce that vortex at
1:40 the tips of the wings take it away from the flatter planar part of the wing
1:43 raise it away so lets the airplane slip through the Eric easier VIP passengers
1:47 spending 11 hours in an aircraft naturally create a much higher degree of
1:51 comfort than airline passengers making a short two-hour hop the bjs interior
1:56 offers plenty of room to adapt cabins to individual circumstances because you can
2:01 segment the aircraft into specific cabins such as you can see in this airplane
2:05 you have the ability to conduct different meetings with different groups
2:09 in your organization in total privacy one of the great things about this
2:14 aircraft is that typically when we see a bed on this airplane it is just about
2:19 it’s not a seat that turns into a bed such as you find on an airliner or
2:23 smaller business yet it is a proper queen size double bed with a seatbelt
2:28 but that’s about the only difference between it and the bed you sleep on home
2:32 you’ll see a shower that’s a proper full-size shower you’ll see a dining
2:37 room table such as the one we’re sitting at so you can afford to put the
2:40 amenities in your aircraft that correspond to the amenities that you
2:44 might have in your home or your yacht or whatever other vehicle you choose to be
2:49 rounded the other thing that we’re very proud of this aircraft and I would tip
2:53 my hat to the other business jet manufacturers for this is we’ve learned
2:56 the importance of the lower cabin altitude in the airplane so this
3:00 aircraft unlike an airliner version of this airplane has a cabin altitude at
3:04 41,000 suku tina 6,500 feet so you’re breathing air as if you were 6,500 suku
3:10 nepi dina airliner normal nu luhurna nyaéta 18,000 suku jeung nu teu ngadamel
3:15 béda anu signifikan dina fisik Anjeun ogé-mahluk di ahir a pisan lila
3:19 hiber kayaning 12 jam atanapi 13 jam kulawarga BBJ aya diwangun ku tilu
3:24 ukuran béda tina 737 kitu ogé versi tina triple tujuh teh 747 jeung
3:29 éta 787 airliners lega-awakna ayeuna Boeing anu perencanaan generasi anyar bjs
3:35 dumasar kana versi max anyar tina 737 kalawan mesin leuwih efisien bakal kieu
3:39 give scope to offer a larger aircraft with the same long range capability yeah

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