
Airbus A319 Jet awyren Tu Preifat Jet Charter Flight

Airbus A319 Jet airliner Mewnol Gwasanaeth Hedfan Siarter Jet Preifat ar gyfer busnes neu funud olaf Cwmni Rhent awyren hedfan awyrennau personol fforddiadwy yn agos ataf ar gyfer eich cyrchfan teithio nesaf ar ddyfynbris coes gwag peilot maint canol marw yn eich ardal..

Mae Siarter Jet Preifat Awyrofod Airbus ACJ319 yn awyren dosbarth busnes. Its design is based on the A320 commercial airliners. The aircraft was introduced in 1997 and features extra fuel tanks than the original A319. This means the plane can travel longer distances of 6000 nm or 6,905 miles. It is typically operated by charter firms and large corporations thanks to its impressive range of business class features.

Gwasanaeth Eraill Rydym yn cynnig pan ddaw Thrafnidiaeth fflyd awyr i yn eich ardal chi.

Siarter Jet Preifat Gweithredol

Siarter Jet Ysgafn

Maint Canolbarth Siarter Jet Preifat

Jet Preifat trwm Siarter Flight

Turboprop Siarter Jet Preifat

goes gwag Siarter Jet Preifat

Jet Preifat Cost Siarter

The interior of the ACJ319 is spacious and ultra-modern, thus making it ideal for transporting VIPs on business trips. The plane comes with several sections, which enable passengers to relax in the master bedroom with ensuite bathroom, gwylio ffilmiau yn yr ardal lolfa, cynnal cyfarfodydd neu fwynhau bwyd yn yr ardal fwyta. Mae'n ymfalchïo y caban croestoriad fwyaf yn ei ddosbarth ac yn darparu moethus digyffelyb. Mae'r awyren siarter cynnig talwrn gyffredin gyda nodweddion wladwriaeth-of-the-celf.

Mae'r tu yn gwbl customizable i weddu i ofynion penodol caban. Mae ganddi arwynebedd o staff sizable ac yn cyflogi rheolaethau hedfan-wrth-wifren.

AIRBUS Jet A319 Interest over time:

AIRBUS Awyren A319 Llog gan isranbarth

Mae'r ACJ319 Adolygiad Awyrennau Jet Airbus

It comes as no surprise that the Airbus ACJ319 is one of the most popular aircraft in the ACJ family. It provides an ideal combination of range, luxury and a spacious cabin. It can travel from Cape Town in South Africa to Dubai or from Las Vegas to London without the need to refuel. This provides much-needed flexibility to executives embarking on business trips in different parts of the world.

The aircraft represents a luxurious and well-equipped flying office for busy businesspeople. It is an important business tool that befits the high-profile status and prestige of large corporations and heads of state.

The aircraft can accommodate up to 50 teithwyr. It also offers additional configuration options to match the needs of operators. The ACJ319 has the capacity to fly faster at higher altitudes, thus reducing flight time.

Dod o hyd i Gwasanaeth Flight Siarter Jet Preifat Ger Me O neu i America yn y Cartref

AlabamaIndianaNebraskaSouth Carolina
AlaskaIowaNevadaSouth Dakota
ArizonaKansasNew HampshireTennessee
ArkansasKentuckyNew JerseyTexas
CaliforniaLouisianaNew MexicoUtah
ColoradoMaineEfrog NewyddVermont
ConnecticutMarylandNorth CarolinaVirginia
DelawareMassachusettsNorth Dakotawashington
FloridaMichiganOhioWest Virginia
IllinoisMontanaRhode Island

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yn Jet Preifat Gwasanaeth Flight Siarter a'r Cwmni Rental awyren moethus yn eich ardal chi naill ai ar gyfer eich busnes, argyfwng neu munud olaf goes gwag teithio personol, gallwn eich helpu i gyrraedd pen eich taith nesaf trwy ewch i gyfer dyfyniadau cludiant awyr yn eich ardal chi.
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